Oops! You haven't told us what channels you want to watch yet.

You can use this site to quickly switch between multiple streams, as well as watch one stream while you chat on another.

Just put the streams you want to watch (or chat) in the URL like this: http://twitchswitch.com/FrostedGamingTV/BenTheKidd/infiniteloop91. That link will open the streams and chats for FrostedGamingTV, BenTheKidd, and infiniteloop91. You can put in as many streams as you want! (Although you'll run out of space eventually :p).

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Frosted Gaming's TwitchSwitch

You can use TwitchSwitch to quickly switch between multiple streams, as well as watch one stream while you chat on another.

How do I select which streams to watch?

Just put the streams you want to watch (or chat with) in the URL like this: http://twitchswitch.com/FrostedGamingTV/BenTheKidd/infiniteloop91. That link will open the streams and chats for FrostedGamingTV, BenTheKidd, and infiniteloop91. You can put in as many streams as you want! (Although you'll run out of space eventually :p).

How do I start on a stream other than the first one in the URL?

If you want to share your stream setup with somebody else, but have them start on a stream other than the first simply add a hashtag with that channel to the end of the URL like this: http://twitchswitch.com/FrostedGamingTV/BenTheKidd/infiniteloop91#BenTheKidd. That link will open the streams like normal but will start on BenTheKidd's channel.

Oops! You haven't told us what channels you want to watch yet.

You can use this site to quickly switch between multiple streams, as well as watch one stream while you chat on another.

Just put the streams you want to watch (or chat) in the URL like this: http://twitchswitch.com/FrostedGamingTV/BenTheKidd/infiniteloop91. That link will open the streams and chats for FrostedGamingTV, BenTheKidd, and infiniteloop91. You can put in as many streams as you want! (Although you'll run out of space eventually :p).